02 May 2016

The Song that Never Ends

You know the one, right?
The one that goes on and on, my friends?
Just when you think it could end,
it begins again!

The research project never ends, nor should it!
We've decided we want to work on publishing our article. I'm not sure if we should announce that? It seems like publishing research tends to be a pretty hush-hush thing until it's actually done. But that is exciting!

The other day I was recounting this experience in a conversation. It just didn't seem as big of a deal today as it was while I was going through it. In fact, I hate to admit, at the beginning of the conversation, I actually forgot about the subject and the title. It literally took me some deep thought to pull that one out of the filing cabinet. I did it, though. But it made me pause.

Will all that work suddenly just disappear into the vortex of brain information? Is it lost if not attended to, pulled and pushed, challenged and expanded? Is it no longer interesting because it is more clear? Or are there other stones to overturn, deeper valleys to pursue?

Cheers to learning process, and the guarantee that it continues to develop with enough attention, curiosity and ambition. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Whoa...how soon we forget :) The publication journey will refresh your memory...