31 January 2017

Words on the bus

The MAC bus system is Fairbanks’s best kept secret. Why isn’t there advertising on it? Lots of people who ride the bus smoke. How do I know? Because I can smell it on them. There are surely opportunities for the American Lung Association to advertise here. Also, GCI or ACS could sponsor free wi-fi on the bus system to promote ridership.

The bus system is a way to reduce carbon emissions from cars and reduces the wear and tear of your vehicle. Not only do you get to ride to your destination in a warm bus, you save money on gas. 

This is a no-brainer, people. 

And here I sit, all by myself writing this letter. Most of you reading will probably ignore my liberal-standing plea to do better by the environment and your pocketbook in exchange for freedom. But how much freedom has driving your car in the winter really afforded you? You have to start it early to get it running. You have to run it often to keep it warm. You need to fill it with gas regularly because you’ve been running to keep it warm outside of Fred Myer. Maybe you live in Ester or on Birch Hill and the bus doesn’t go to your house. This is unfortunate. Maybe you need your car because you visit clients or deliver goods. No problem. Why not try the bus on an office day? Why not just try it for one day?

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