11 July 2017

Chance Man

How many chances do you get? And how many chances do you give? Is one more chance a chance for one, or a chance for both? And who knows when the next chance should be given, until it’s too late.

Solomon was my never-ending chance man.

Perhaps chances are exactly what we are looking for in a mate. Perhaps we are all striving to just be the best person we can be. We set a goal a day.
Clean the bathroom.
Read an article.

But every day we did something else that was not on the list, causing us to not do the one thing that really needed to be done. Then, that catapults into another thing. A trigger leading back to an old alley of the brain, the person you once were. There are familiar doors and laughter beyond them, but the streets are silent. No one is out to meet you because at some point, you stopped coming around.

Then it is when you realize that something about the new life, the new alley, with a brighter sky and colors of doors and happiness has led you back to a previous chapter. Not gone and not forgotten.

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