02 March 2016

Minus Five Points

Ever have those days and times where it feels like you are a day late and a dollar short? Or when the task list running through your head just seems to get mumble jumbled somewhere rendered incomprehensible as all the other tasks you are doing fight for your attention.

Yeah. Me too.

Unfortunately, this is the result of a task muddled by other tasks. A fleeting moment thought of "oh, shit. That's gonna cost me."

I think there is a relation here to research. It's not only a lesson in procrastination - what NOT do to - but it's a realization that sometimes all the points of research and all the questions swimming around can get lost in the tide and practice of actually conducting the research.

That part seems to be going ok, so far. I realized I actually got a little nervous when starting interviews. It's mostly just the super akward part of reading disclaimers and recording other people (and myself). But after the initial quirky questions, I seem to get into a flow and so do the participants.

In conducting the research questions I realized that there is a lot more information I could have been exploring in my research for this project. For instance, I didn't consider how the questions would change based on the leadership position of the participant in their organization. Perhaps this is a nugget of information I didn't expect that will actually turn out to become meaningful data.

With less than one month to go, I am nervous about the work product of the research project. I feel restricted based on the timeframe we have had in class to fully explore all avenues of this research, but I understand that keeping the scope dedicated provides a focused insight that can be expanded later. I have done a lot of thinking about this project and how I want to shape it into my thesis, and I feel grateful to have this aggressive class get us through the initial first steps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh procrastination...that is why the grades for the blogs are late :)

I love hockey, and on the drive out to Alaska last summer we stopped in Canada to visit the NHL Hall of Fame. There was this great quote from Gretzky. Seems appropriate about now: "Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy."

Isn't life deadline driven? We constantly face deadlines be it in the workplace or school or community-related projects. Had this project been due at the end of the term, would procrastination have resulted in a similar level of restriction and stress? Perhaps...