31 January 2016

Finding the Question

Research is about finding answers. It is also about discovering new questions. I've struggled with finding the perfect question for my research. And maybe that's the point.

I recently heard this quote by the famous scientist, Albert Einstein: "Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." Thinking logically to solve a problem (or find a question) will, indeed, present a question. But thinking about a question with imagination...oh, the places we can go!

Sometimes, there is a clear question to ask. But in all of the questions in all of the world...finding the right question finds me swimming around in possibilities. I like that place, and at the very least finding a direction will help me to determine the question. I'm getting closer to the question...but time is running out!

My question has to do with internal communications, as this is what I want to focus my eventual thesis on. I want this project for this class to be able to contribute to this final work, but in examining the possibilities, I am having a difficult time scaling down the options to focus on one particular aspect.

This is where I've come so far:

  1. I want to know what drives employees - what "makes them tick" (though making an employee "tick"might have a negative connotation these days.) 
  2.  I've focused that to the public sector
  3. There is an underlying theme of trust between employees and their managers. The most an employee trusts their supervisor, research indicates the more they will trust their organization, and be more satisfied in their job. This, then, leads to less turnover, better employee morale, and a higher level of customer satisfaction or public engagement. 
  4. I'm thinking of focusing on the communications methods used between supervisors and their subordinates that builds trust leading to employee satisfaction. 
Or something like that.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I get it now :) Thank you for the clips, Mindy. And, I will add Rain Man to my "Friday night movie night" list. Although...Tom Cruise is hard for me to watch :)

I see progress...

We have a much tighter focus on managerial communication and employee satisfaction. We refined the interview questions a bit. I've been reading some of the org comm literature on trust. Trust is something discussed a lot within the context of provider-patient relationships and patient-centered care models. If we treat an employee as a patient...there are bio/psycho/social needs that must be met to get the desired outcome, employee satisfaction.

If you haven't searched the literature for employee tick, you should :)