The daughter of my sister, my first niece and is a delightful young lady who is always on the go! She is four years old, I think..almost five. Lindsay is very much a Gartner with her sharp tounge, energy, and stubbornness.
In her classes, I can tell the other kids look up to her and consider her a leader.
Every time I talk to Lindz, I ask her about coming to Alaska. She is crazy about the idea. I keep telling her to save her money and I will save her a sled dog. I look forward to the day she gets to see Alaska- I know she will love it.
Sam may very well be one of the most kind, understanding, dramatic, wild and absolutely adorable kid I have ever known. The love Sam has for the world around him is so heartwarming. He is the son of Jessica (Springer) and Matt Duncan. I feel so very blessed the Duncans allow me to be an extension of their family.
Sam keeps it real and demands attention when in a room. He deserves what he gets, too, cause if for one moment you don't pay attention, he will be off to something new and probably dangerous.
I love his sense of adventure and willingness to try anything in the spirit of good fun. Sam's the Man and any time I get to see him is always a splendid treat!

Carley is the daughter of Sommer and Casey Barikman, who are close friends of mine from Ames, Iowa. They have since moved to Tennesee, so I stay connected with the Barikman's through phone and email.
Carley seems to me to be a happy three year old (I think she's three!). I know she is in awe of her mother and is always asking for her advice already!

Ki was once a roommate of mine. I haven't seen her in a while, but this was a picture of her on her fifth (I think) birthday last year.
Ki is a very smart young lady, who has good manners for the most part and loves everything Princess. Afterall, he is one herself. She has a unique talent of creating incredible stories about Princesses and Fairylands. I always enjoy her stories and her laughter.
Johnny Herr
I thought it may be weird to post all the pictures of the kids from work, but it is very cool to watch them grow and hear what they are up to from their loving parents. They also contribute to my personal Enlightenment from Children:
Jacob- Is the son of sales co-worker, MaryAnn. Jacob has bright carrot top red hair and is talker and a flirt! I wouldn't have guessed any different with a Supermommy like MaryAnn!
Jerek- Brooke's son is the bad ass of the group. In no time, I bet he will be riding around in motorcycles, picking up chicks, and known for having the "coolest parents in town."
AJ- Cat's son is a well mannered, somewhat shy four (?) year old. He likes to idolize his dad and negociate with his mom. I hear he is pretty good at closin' the deals, too!
Toby- Toby is the kind of kid that makes you want to have a baby. Um, I can't believe I just said that (just using it as reference- that's all. This statement in no way insinuates that I want to have children any time in the near future...) But with a kid like this, it just seems so easy. Toby is always smiling and playing and is just learning now how to move around. It won't be long until he is walking around! He is the son of Jen and Erik.
Aubry and Megan- the Heartbreak girls. They remind me of my sister and I growing up. They are close in age, fight like enemies, and are equally hard to keep them apart. They got personality and aren't afraid to use it!
What incredible people and what an incredible experience to watch these lives develop in front of my very own eyes! With fairly little context, self-realization, awareness, and reason, these guys keep it all in perspective.
Of course, my perspective is a dainty one. I get to see these guys mostly when they are happy, engaged, and having a good day. What I don't get to see as much is the challenges they constantly pose for their parents. I find it comical because I can. I feel fortunate to be able to do so, and am very conscious of my lucky position as the fun Older Person outside looking in. I admire the parental abilities of all of their parents, and sincerely believe they are the heros of today.
Being around any of these children and their families make me want to be a better person, and a better role model. Being around any of them fill my heart with much happiness and joy.
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