25 April 2008

For Real

Six days ago I took a motorcycle ride down the turnagain Arm. I joked with others about my face being sunburnt after sitting on the deck with a nice porter beer.
That was when I hiked in the woods and there was still snow. Now, we have about three feet of snow.
Seriously, in one day we have gotten a ridculous amount of snow. In fact, it is beyond a doubt all of our winter in one day. It was raining snow. Imagine for a moment that it rained snow! The same rain you get on an Iowan day, about 1:30 or 2:00 in April. It just rains and rains, and finally the sun comes out. This was kind of like that except it NEVER STOPPED. It's like I am living in a static land. Outside, there is no clear vision!

Not only that, but without vision, my feet have lost fair balance. I am never quite sure how deep it is between the snow, sludge, and slush and the ground. Noone expected this.

Okay that is a total lie. For the last three days that is the first thing everyone has greeted me with.
"My, what beautiful weather. I hear it is going to snow on Friday," like a threat. Then we get this! WTF!?

I am not really surprised and actually find it a welcome distraction. A forced way to stay at home- A SNOW DAY!!!
I just heard from my neighbor who heard from the Internet that it was supposed to snow another 18 inches!!! OMG! I hope I have enough food!!

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