10 September 2007

The Wizard of Fairview

In recent times, I have found a bond with my neighbors. It has taken awhile, but I have eventually ventured and figured out enough about them, that I can sit back and finally shoot the shit, make a little fun and relax in my own yard. I love it, and it gives me some security about winter.

Ah, winter. I can smell it in the air. The cripness every morning, the sharp chill at night. I was stubborn tonight and refused to wear something on my feet, but by nine o'clock I had to slip inside and dig out my old boot socks. Yes, it is that time of year again. I actually feel pretty numb about it all. I am distracted by things at work, and life in general. It always seems to loose just that corner of control you think you owned.

My hood is the plot for the Wizard of Oz. I am Dorothy (naturally), I have Glenda the Good Witch that lives below me, chain smoking her nearly crippled body to death and high on pain killers, and the Bad Witch to the left of me, sucking down equal amounts of nicotine, only with a sneer of disgust for the rest of mankind.

Bernie, my landlord, is the scarecrow of the lot, Asia is the Cowerdly Lion. I have yet to decide who is the Tin Man and who is the Wizard, but this shit is getting a little tooney, if you know what I mean...

I keep thinking of the movie Serendipity. Here is the definition according to Webster's II New College Dictionary:

1. The faculty of making providential discoveries by accident. 2. The fact or occurance of such discoveries. 3. An instance of making such a discovery.

I am so eager to find this mysterious man that I am clouding my judgement!

Alas, I return to the blog. My mind has been wandering there, but it seems like I have been controlled by my technological boundaries.

(...and I just wanted to use the word alas.)

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