15 October 2006

Why I Hate Wal-Mart

Without any disrespect to the people down South, I totally hate Wal-Mart- and everything it represents about America.

I've never experienced Wal-Marts anywhere else the way they are in Alaska. Trashy, crowded, understaffed. It's a chore to go there any time of day and face the hord of people, each with six children under the age of six, and all with no sense of direction or acknowledgement of any other person.

Did you know that Wal-Mart no longer offers hand baskets to shop with? Oh, no. That is much too small. So, for a single person, I have no choice but to add to the clutter and confusion with a cart that is far too big for whatever I need to pick up- which is just enough to need something to carry it in.

Something else...

This is the second Sunday that the Four Fathers of Sunday are not on. I know what kind of life I lead, when I look forward to Sunday nights with cartoons, but that's not the point. A way to begin my week is to stimulate my brain with symantics, tounge and cheek political slams, and humor all at once is the point. Instead, the airwaves are congested with football and baseball. I am forced to choose between sad local television, America's Funny Home Videos, and a re-run of Top Model, with horrible Tyra Banks. Now, it looks like I will soon be forced to watch 7th Heaven. I only watch television on Sundays for one reason, and I get really upset when that hunger is not fed. My week just isnt the same without Homer, Peter, American Dad, and the human one.

Oh and...

Subway is repeatedly dissapointing. Seriously. It first started happening when I was in high school and they made the decision to stop burrowing out the bread in the sandwhich. Horrible marketing, in my very expert and highly valued opinion. The very trait that signifies a Subway sandwhich was depleted and thrown back into the line-up of every other fast-food sandwhich. Then, they began bagging your meat choices into pre-weighed portions, and began using an ultra small tuna scooper. Then the new era of Subway started with the introduction of the "Jared Campaign", six different kinds of bread to choice from, four different cheeses, and an inflation of prices. They give you the wrap, they taketh the wrap. Now, tonight, the icing on the cake, is the steak and cheese have been re-introduced, but they forgot to mention that the steak is in chunks now, instead of thin flank sauteed with small pieces of green pepper. Now the green pepper has been combined with red pepper and make up for about fifty percent of the pre-determined portion. (Also, back to that point, adds to the already excessive amount of waste they are dropping through those small squares on the sandwhich line. Our landfills are mulipling as we speak with 4oz paper bags that smell like onions and meat.) Ah, I digress. But what the hell is up with Subway?

I do ultimately blame Wal-Mart for all of the above reasons and also for hunger and child labor in China.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Word, Sista...