01 January 2010

The Death of the Rockstar

In light of last night's musical performances by Jennifer Lopez (no longer J-Lo) and the Black Eyed Peas, I am somewhat convinced that the death of the rockstar has happened. With all the glitz and glam of each performance, it seemed clear that music is less about the ability of an artist, and more about the production of the show.

I've been in a show production in one way or another since I was 13 years old from performing in my first play as a card in Alice in Wonderland, to promoting national Broadway performances such as The Graduate, and touring artists like Al Di Miola, as well as hundreds of events. In each of my experiences, the production is a critical component to a successful performance. Component being the key word.

What happened to the days of a microphone, a guitar, and a drum set? It seems interesting to me that we that we are so used to the hype, so enthralled with the dazzle, that skill seems to take a back seat. If you can scratch and claw your way to the top with only a healthy dose of sex appeal and a generous compilation of bling, you too, can have a show on the Dick Clark's New Year's Eve Celebration. Or anywhere else or that matter.

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