27 November 2009

The Process of Thought

It's taken me awhile to come to a solution based thought process. It seems difficult for people to think in "yes" terms- easier to think in "no" terms. I may have mentioned before about my friend who eliminated negative words from his vocabulary. He expelled contractions: "don't", "won't", "can't", "shouldn't", etc. and rephrased them positively. It is a challenge to change the way you speak without these words, but with some practice, life looks a whole lot easier. I thought for the sake of humanity, and to encourage the human race to think of life positively, I'd provide the process of this exercise.

When you are presented with a situation in which you find yourself thinking and saying it is not possible, ask yourself this one question: "How can we make this situation possible?"

With some thought, you will be able to come up with a few different scenarios. It is likely these scenarios will look overwhelming to you, and seem like a lot of work. This is probably not so. When you get to this phase in the process ask yourself this question: "What tools are already in place to make this situation possible?"

After a brief inventory check, the solution to your problem should become a little clearer. This may or may not include others who can enhance the solution. Another key is to always seal it with a "KISS". Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Many times, this simple process needs to be repeated and recycled to come to a resolution.

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