Anchorage, in particular, has been through severe leadership changes since Mark Begich left the mayor's seat and moved to the Senate. Acting Mayor Matt Claman ended up pissing most everyone off before he even had a chance to do anything good. Do you know Matt Cleman? You're not missing much (for a politician). Enter 15 candidates who believe they can run Anchorage the way it ought to be run, and a highly debated and voted election leading to a run-off election between Eric Croft (D) and Dan Sullivan (R), thus giving victory to the heir of the mayoral title for the next two years. All of this happening under the microscopic eye of the national media covering the Sarah Palin Saga, Vol.3.
Anchorage is going through shock. The state of the city's leadership has been in a questionable mold for a short intense amount of time. The people of Anchorage have gone from having an democratic, diplomatic, socially aware mayor, to a direct, no frills, businessman. No question Dan Sullivan has a different way of approaching the good of the order.
I relate it to an adult who is dealing with a child that doesn't respect or understand his or her discipline strategy. It is a completely understandable reaction for a child whose authority they do not know, to act out in behaviors that seem irrational. That's the analogy- except we're voting adults.
Our community is growing and growing is painful. I remember when I couldn't sleep at night because my legs hurt so badly from "growing pains". I can't sleep now because my growing pains concern my community. But like my legs, which have grown long, the pain and suffering of our community will create a place approachable and progressive place where we can keep growing and growing and growing.
Maybe it's appropriate to reference the Rolling Stones, "You can't always get what you want. You get what you need."
Maybe it's appropriate to reference the Rolling Stones, "You can't always get what you want. You get what you need."
Maybe Anchorage is getting what we need in order to be what we want.
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