28 October 2007

Another Week Ensues

Ah, it is yet another Sunday. This Sunday was a great treat. I had time to rearrange my apartment, which is always a symbol of change, and even found enough quarters around the place to wash two loads of laundry. I am confident this shall be the last apartment I live in before buying my own place, a desire that I have growing. With that, comes lots of questions and (gasp) commitments. Yuck. Or Awe.

My intention moving into this place was to find somewhere that I could build a stable environment. This has taken longer than I anticipated. Damn life keeps getting in the way. But there is something telling me this winter cannot be survived without a comfortable and warm home to experience. I have a hard time coming home, indeed I like to be out with people, but this involves money I'd rather save, and energy I need to preserve.

Don't get me wrong, I am far from being a homebody. I still crave the attention of the outside world, and the material obsessions out there. But I am not so eager as to wear my heart on my sleeve for people to sneeze on, or throw around, but to mostly just ignore. I don't want to wear my heart on my sleeve with a large chain and lock around it; I just want to be more selective as to whom I show this precious beat.

That in itself is a great challenge of mine. If you talk to anyone who knows me, I hope they tell you of my compassionate nature towards others and a desire to help anyone I can. Helping, I realize, is only within the limits of the other person, and really not my responsibily. I am my own responsibility now, and of course, I am responsibile for my cat.

Nigak seems to really enjoy the new arrangment of the furniture. I admit, it is a lovely arrangement, and a very good start to creating the home a Crab such as me, truly needs in order to present oneself to the world in a somewhat poised state.

And so another week ensues. I like the beginning to weeks like this. Where I can sit and blog about nonsense, with a cup of tea, and a comfortable home to live in. I am a lucky woman to be in the place I am, the apartment, this state, and lucky to acknowledge all the other levels of awareness and good places I am also a part of.

Happy Week to you!

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