What a rollercoaster life we lead. One full of ups and downs, turns, and diversions, near hits and misses. It is not one of contentment and joy. But one that finds these in the subtle parts of everyday living.
...And what would this life be if it was not for that? Without these deep peaks and valleys, our heart and minds would be subject to contentment without persuasion, without the drive that forces us to make every situation better. Without these challenges in life, we would be drained of humanity and of love for better things.
This is a crazy place we live. In physical bodies that compound our souls to society, our minds to the masses. This life is a precious curse I believe we end by learning the rules of the game.
The Game.
An event, if you will, of no particular order or regulation, but one that people innately know and choose to abide or rebel and live with the consequences of the present society and realm of human thought and action.
Where are you in the Game of Life?
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