05 September 2006

I love Katie Couric

Katie Couric is my favorite television personality. I love her and who doesn't? The smile has it all, and beyond that, she can ask the hard questions without sounding accusing. She adds a sort of pep and waltz to her stories. She finds the humane side of news. So then, I was definatly tuning in as Ms. Couric made her debut tonight on nighttime television.

Of course, the critics were critical mentioning of all things, that bright smile America, and I, love, mentioning she'd need to tone it down to appeal to the nighttime television. Everything from her smile, to her style, clothing, and choice of words was going to need a noir makeover. No matter what, they agreed, she was going to have a hard time pleasing everyone.

I think everyone knew that, and as Katie opened tonight's CBS Evening News, she too, knew what was on the line. And like a pro, she kept it, well, black and white.

I always find fashion interesting on television, but also as a way of communication. Colors worn by television characters are meant to send a message as well. Katie wore a black dress, typical Couric 3/4 lengthish with a white suite jacket that was buttoned in the middle by two buttons and did a kind of flair from the hips. I thought the white blazed on television, and I wasn't overly won by the outfit, but it stood it's purpose. (Her shoes, btw, were very hot black pointed stillettos.)

Fashion and image, though superficial, is a real piece of our society; however remains a small bit. No matter what her outfit signified, or how it was worn, it still comes down to the presentation. Couric was understandibly reserved. Though she makes being on television look easy, what I saw in her eyes was uneasiness. And what made me relate to her, and my suspision for her sucess, is her ability to downgrade her position within the media for the common person. That is hard to do. Power changes people, and the power of the media is real and intense.

I have to admit that I was a little dissapointed when I learned of Katie's career change. What do you mean leave morning television? But...WHY??? To me, she doesn't seem like an exact fit, like her popularity allowed her to become the nighttime news anchor for a huge late-night program. Upon reflection, however, I commend her for taking a RISK in her career. I mean, honestly, once you have saturated the morning market with your smile and charm, blown all other morning programs out of the water, life seems pretty easy. Couric doesn't seem like the person who takes life the easy route. I admire that. That motivates me to become a woman willing to take risks for something better. It motivates me to not be a woman who will settle for whatever's next, and instead, take control of what I want to happen next.

While I am rooting for the Katie, I hope CBS allows her to still be the personality she has made for her television self. I guess the whole point of stepping out of your skin and doing something that isn't "normal" for you is part of defining yet another piece of yourself. The fear, of course, is learning a new part of yourself and losing the great part of yourself you just spent creating. I'm sure Couric, and the producers of CBS, realize the importance of her unique personality and what it brings to television and thier nighttime program. I hope tuning it down, doesn't mean tuning it off.

So that, along with many more reasons that would probably make me seem like a stalker is why I Love Katie Couric.

Check out what she's doing here if you want to see what great things she is up to.

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